lunes, 19 de octubre de 2009

Metal Meets Paper Planes

Yolanda Muelas (Metal Magazine) and Carlos Ramírez (Paper Planes) played as a Dj´s last friday night at Mondo Club with their personal set. Magazines play music, let´s dance.
Yolanda Muelas and Carlos Ramírez

Pics: Rodrigo Manzano

sábado, 10 de octubre de 2009

Paper Planes At Paris Fashion Week

Paper Planes went to Paris Fashion Week and made some actions during the week and collaborated with Bless and Estrella Archs Show.
Estrella Archs Paris Show
Estrella Archs Paris Show
Estrella Archs Paris Show
Estrella Archs Paris Show
Agora Shop Window Paper Planes // Rue Des Archives 75004